This chapter describes the mine C++ wrapper. The class is declared in the header file cppmine.h, located in the libmine/ folder. You need to add #include "cppmine.h" in your C++ source files and link your program with mine.c and cppmine.c.

See the C API documentation.

class MINE
MINE::MINE(double alpha, double c, int est)

Constructor. Throws an exception when the parameters are invalid.



void MINE::compute_score(double *x, double *y, int n)
void MINE::mic()
void MINE::mas()
void MINE::mev()
void MINE::mcn(double eps)
void MINE::mcn_general()
void MINE::tic()


The example is located in examples/cpp_example.cpp.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include "cppmine.h"

using namespace std;

main (int argc, char **argv)
  double PI;
  int i, n;
  double *x, *y;
  MINE *mine;

  PI = 3.14159265;

  /* build the MINE object with exceptions management */
      mine = new MINE(0.6, 15, EST_MIC_APPROX);
  catch (char *s)
      cout << "WARNING: " << s << "\n";
      cout << "MINE will be set with alpha=0.6 and c=15" << "\n";
      mine = new MINE(0.6, 15, EST_MIC_APPROX);

  /* build the problem */
  n = 1001;
  x = new double [n];
  y = new double [n];
  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
      /* build x = [0, 0.001, ..., 1] */
      x[i] = (double) i / (double) (n-1);

      /* build y = sin(10 * pi * x) + x */
      y[i] = sin(10 * PI * x[i]) + x[i];

  /* compute score with exceptions management */
      mine->compute_score(x, y, n);
  catch (char *s)
      cout << "ERROR: " << s << "\n";
      return 1;

  /* print mine statistics */
      cout << "MIC: " << mine->mic() << "\n";
      cout << "MAS: " << mine->mas() << "\n";
      cout << "MEV: " << mine->mev() << "\n";
      cout << "MCN (eps=0): " << mine->mcn(0) << "\n";
      cout << "MCN (eps=1-MIC): " << mine->mcn_general() << "\n";
      cout << "TIC: " << mine->tic() << "\n";
  catch (char *s)
      cout << "ERROR: " << s << "\n";
      return 1;

  /* delete the mine object */
  delete mine;

  /* free the problem */
  delete [] x;
  delete [] y;

  return 0;

To compile the example, open a terminal, go into the example (examples/) folder and run:

$ g++ -O3 -Wall -Wno-write-strings cpp_example.cpp ../libmine/cppmine.cpp \
  ../libmine/mine.c -I../libmine/

Run the example by typing:

MIC: 0.999999
MAS: 0.728144
MEV: 0.999999
MCN (eps=0): 4.58496
MCN (eps=1-MIC): 4.58496
TIC: 67.5236

A more simple example

The example is located in examples/cpp_example2.cpp.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include "cppmine.h"

using namespace std;

main (int argc, char **argv)
  int n = 7;
  double x[] = {1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.};
  double y[] = {1.,2.,3.,4.,3.,2.,1.};
  /* build the MINE object */
  MINE mine(0.6, 15, EST_MIC_APPROX);

  /* compute score */
  mine.compute_score(x, y, n);
  /* print MIC */
  cout << "MIC: " << mine.mic() << "\n";
  return 0;

To compile the example, open a terminal, go into the example (examples/) folder and run:

$ g++ -O3 -Wall -Wno-write-strings cpp_example2.cpp ../libmine/cppmine.cpp \
  ../libmine/mine.c -I../libmine/

Run the example by typing:

$ ./a.out
MIC: 0.291692